Already discussed about 4 types of teas before and their benefits here you going to know about 4 more teas and benefits.

All are healthy if you take them in right amount and on right time, you can only face side effects if you will not take right amount of them and if you consume them on wrong time.

so let's know about healthy teas more...

Chai Tea 

Chai is Hindi word of tea, it's basically a traditional drink in India, about 200 years ago the British arrived in India they encouraged the black tea leaf which was very popular in England, England had an excess of both of dairy and sugar and in this context they also urged the Chai drink to be made with milk and sugar so that they had yet another market to sell these products.

The most popular variant of chai tea is Masala Chai which is an Indian  beverage that often includes herbs such as cinnamon, ginger and cloves.
Other common constituents of chai tea include cardamon, fennel or black peppercorns.

Chai often contain iron, caffeine, and sodium and also rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, it's numerous ingredient add their diverse range of health benefits.
Chai tea may have a unique ability to improve your heat's health. Cinnamon have ability to lower blood pressure.
Chai can also control lower blood cholesterol, chai tea may help prevent diabetes by helping your body control the insulin and sugar levels in your body.
Having a few cups of cahi tea a day can help those who are vulnerable to the disease, or at a higher risk prevent the disease from developing.
If you already have diabetes drinking chai tea can help manage diabetes by improving the insulin sensitivity your body has and improving the longevity of the insulin producing cells.
Chai can help maintaining healthy muscles, nails and hair.
It contain several ingredient that can result in weight loss.

Chai tea also protect eye health because it contains vitamin-A.
Enhance immune system and fights inflammation.

Ginger Tea 

ginger tea is very beneficial for health, some of them are as below-

Stomach Discomfort and Nausea 
Ginger tea has been utilized to settle upset stomach for thousands of years, if you suffer from belly ache, morning sickness, or even motion sickness, a nice warm cup can help to cure in such condition.
Ginger tea can help reduce bloating and upset stomach.

Digestion- Ginger tea can also play a vital role in proper digestion, which indirectly improves absorption and avoids stomach pain. This can also help prevent unnecessary burping, as well as improves your appetite by releasing gastric acids.

Asthma- Drinking ginger tea is beneficial in the case of Asthma, ginger helps to loosen phlegm and expand the lungs, which in turn helps to recover from difficult breathing. as such, it's incredibly beneficial in fighting Asthma.
Menstrual Pain- you don't have to ingest ginger tea in order to benefit from it. It can be applied externally. I fyou are suffering from menstrual pain, try placing a hot towel dopped in ginger tea on your uterine area. It will relax your muscles and give you relief.

It also boost immune system and also helpful in relief from stress, it reduces inflammation, it's a very good drink to get rid of many problems.
How to make- To make ginger tea heat water in pain mix some ginger in it, boil it for 8-10 minutes, after that transfer it into a cup using a filter, cut a slice of lemon and steep into this for 2-3 minutes after that mic honey if you want. It's ready to drink.

Chamomile Tea

It's tasty herbal tea and is great to treat several health related problems such as ailments of the digestive system and anxiety.
Chamomile has numerous beauty benefits too. 
Beneficial for Skin and Beauty
Chamomile tea is excellent in skin care it is dull of incredible healing and antioxidant properties, it helps to clean and moisturize the skin, it helps to give a healthy glow to the skin by naturally bleaching it.
Good for Hairs
It helps fight acne and skin aging , chamomile tea helps to haste in the healing course in minor wounds.
Chamomile tea had great benefits when it comes to hair, it is also very effective to help prevent hair loss and control dandruff and soothe the scalp.
Promotes Sleep
It is a great solution for people suffering from insomnia, The tea helps to soothe the nervous system, this can help to make you feel relaxed and sleep better, it also helps to ease anxiety and depression.
Boost Immunity
Regular intake of chamomile tea helps to increase immunity there's antibacterial effects and an enhanced immunity that is able to prevent as well as fight ailments like common cold and cough.
It also help to protect against bacterial related illness and infection.
For hundred of centuries people all over the world have used chamomile herbal tea to care many physical and emotional health concerns.
How to Make-
Boil water and take it in a cup and pit some dried chamomile flowers into a cup. Allow them to infuse for 3 minutes now strain this into another cup, now you can add honey and lime juice to adjust the taste. It's ready to drink now.

White Tea

Lowers blood pressure 
Studies shown that white tea can thin the  blood and improve artery functions. It helps lower high blood pressure and maintain a healthy one. By promoting strong and healthy blood vessels, white tea protects you against the ravages of stroke.
Healthy and Youthful Skin
White tea also help in maintaining healthy and youthful skin. Use of white tea is recommended due to its antioxidants properties which help in quick repair and recovery of damaged skin. It is also beneficial protecting skin against effects of UV light.
Helps to Relax & Improve Concentration
White tea can create a calmer but more alert state of mind.Studies have shown that the amino acid L-theamine found in the tea plant alters the attention networks in the brain and can have demonstrable effects on the brain waves. More simply, tea can help you relax and concentrate more fully on tasks.
Cardiovascular Health
Flavonoids found in white tea helps to reduce the blood pressure, it also helps in improving dyslipidemia, endothelial function and inhibits low density lipoprotien oxidation consumption of white tea rich in flavonoids may reduce the risk of various cardiovascular disorders.
Stronger Bones
Regular intake of white tea can improve bone density and strength.

White tea also have antibacterial and anti-viral qualities, it also can prevent cancer.
White tea is good for oral health it keeps teeth strong and healthy and it kill bacteria that cause bad breath.
How to Make
White tea is an unoxidized tea to make white tea, heat water in pain, and after that transfer it into a pot, then take 1-2 TSP of white tea mix then in hot water then cover the pot for 4-5 minutes after that strain it in a cup now you can drink it, it's ready. 
It doesn't contain caffeine.



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